Paediatrics: Patient Fees

Detailed below you will find the patient fees for Paediatric services. You can also download the Paediatrics: Patient Fees PDF.

There is more information on our service fees on the Patient Fees page (please note that appointment non-attendance can result in a fee if the clinic is not notified at least 2 hours in advance). Please email us via our website enquiry form or call us on (08) 8102 0992 if you have any questions or require more information.

Please Note: Suggested fee schedule is only a guide and actual gaps charged are at the discretion of the practitioner.

For after hours and weekend fees, please refer to the main Norwood Patient Fees

ServiceFeeMedicare RebateGap
Short consult$58.95$18.95$40.00
Standard consult$86.40$41.40$45.00
Long consult$140.10$80.10$60.00

Download the Paediatrics: Patient Fees PDF.
